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My Story

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While we are all unique individuals, I’m not a lot different than many guys my age. I have some loyal and pretty interesting friends, who mean the world to me. I like pubs, sports and spending time with good people. Still enjoy playing competitive soccer and more and more seem to ache the morning after a game. I also get great enjoyment out of coaching my youth basketball team. I’ve recently been spending time attempting to help a small talented group, here at SYTEsee.com, who have decided to tackle the 800 lb Gorilla and build an internet web site. Our goal is to provide outstanding benefits and contacts that will have a wide ranging impact in the communities we intend to service. All that without much of a budget! As most people understand, that’s a tall challenge with many twists and turns on the road ahead. It’s already been very interesting, with some bumps in the highway and some increasingly positive successes. We have some really creative ideas that should be fun and rewarding for many people. If you’d like to follow our journey, bookmark us on your browser and stop in often to see my updates and observations about our ongoing adventures.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Can Make A Difference Just Like Grandma Did

Growing up, I was blessed to have an amazing, close knit family. The ring leader of our clan was my Grandmother. From the day I was born, as explained by my family, my Grandma and I had the most unbreakable bond you could have. We were best friends right from the start.

I learned some of the most meaningful lessons in life from Grandma. As a young guy, I was pretty observant. One thing I noticed time and time again was that she was always doing things for others. Whether it was helping people she went to church with, spoiling everyone on Christmas, baking something for a neighbor, working with charities or countless other examples, she was constantly giving or helping. Being the inquisitive kid I was, I finally asked Grandma why she was "always busy with other people?" I will never forget her answer. She said, "Eric..honey...I get more joy out of putting a smile on someone's face than anything else I can think of." As I got older, I understood that was Grandma's way of telling me we can all make a difference in someone's life.

Taking her lesson, I believe that anyone can make a difference in somebody's life. It doesn't matter what your current lot is. Rich, poor or somewhere in between, YOU can make a difference. You might even be able to make THE difference. There are any number of ways to do that. You can volunteer to be a coach as many people I know do. You can volunteer to work at a hospital. Get involved with a charity. Be a Big Brother or Big Sister. You get the point. The idea, just like Nike says, is to "Just Do It."

From my own experience as a youth basketball coach for the last 13 years, I can say there is nothing that fulfills me more than working with kids. Seeing them grow as young adults knowing you had a little something to do with it is truly amazing.

All the communities in which we live need help. Even under the best of times. Get out there and find a cause or something to do that you could be passionate about. There is a smile waiting to be had. A person waiting for you to reach out to them. Just look around, giving is all around you.

My grandma definitely made a difference in many peoples lives, including mine and my family's. I could never thank her enough for teaching me it is far better to give than receive. Far better to see someone smile than anything else I can thinking of. Just know Gram, you are my motivation to do my part to make sure your tradition continues.

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

-Winston Churchill

Written by Eric for sytesee.blogspot.com

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