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My Story

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While we are all unique individuals, I’m not a lot different than many guys my age. I have some loyal and pretty interesting friends, who mean the world to me. I like pubs, sports and spending time with good people. Still enjoy playing competitive soccer and more and more seem to ache the morning after a game. I also get great enjoyment out of coaching my youth basketball team. I’ve recently been spending time attempting to help a small talented group, here at SYTEsee.com, who have decided to tackle the 800 lb Gorilla and build an internet web site. Our goal is to provide outstanding benefits and contacts that will have a wide ranging impact in the communities we intend to service. All that without much of a budget! As most people understand, that’s a tall challenge with many twists and turns on the road ahead. It’s already been very interesting, with some bumps in the highway and some increasingly positive successes. We have some really creative ideas that should be fun and rewarding for many people. If you’d like to follow our journey, bookmark us on your browser and stop in often to see my updates and observations about our ongoing adventures.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Little Advice from Dad Among Other Things

I make a habit of always including a quote at the end of one of my blog entries. I do this to offer something uplifting and motivating. Also, I do this to make people think. Today's quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson has definitely made me think from time to time. This is a quote my Dad shared with me long ago that has always stuck. The quote is as follows.......

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters.....compared to what lies within us."

What a powerful message. Short. Sweet. To the point. It doesn't so much matter what someone has accomplished or has the potential to accomplish. What is most important is the kind of person you are at your core. I am proud to say that I am surrounded by "good" people in life. I can also say that this quote has never made me judge someone by what they have or could possibly have. What they do or what they don't do. It has allowed me to judge someone on what lies within. Thanks for reminding me what's important, Dad.

I have attached a link to an excellent post from Mashable.com. It discusses your brand's social media health and how to gauge its success.

7 Steps to Measuring Your Brand’s Social Media Health

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