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My Story

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While we are all unique individuals, I’m not a lot different than many guys my age. I have some loyal and pretty interesting friends, who mean the world to me. I like pubs, sports and spending time with good people. Still enjoy playing competitive soccer and more and more seem to ache the morning after a game. I also get great enjoyment out of coaching my youth basketball team. I’ve recently been spending time attempting to help a small talented group, here at SYTEsee.com, who have decided to tackle the 800 lb Gorilla and build an internet web site. Our goal is to provide outstanding benefits and contacts that will have a wide ranging impact in the communities we intend to service. All that without much of a budget! As most people understand, that’s a tall challenge with many twists and turns on the road ahead. It’s already been very interesting, with some bumps in the highway and some increasingly positive successes. We have some really creative ideas that should be fun and rewarding for many people. If you’d like to follow our journey, bookmark us on your browser and stop in often to see my updates and observations about our ongoing adventures.

Friday, July 30, 2010

So you're from Buffalo...

Why is it that every time someone says that to me I feel like saying, "Yeah.... you got a problem with that or somethin'?!" I've noticed lately that I have an extreme chip on my shoulder when someone asks me if I'm from the wonderful "City of Good Neighbors".

I really can't put a finger on why my defense mechanisms kick in even when someone says it in the nicest of ways. Am I on guard for the next question? Might it have something to do with the constant mention of snow storms and people thinking we're right down the street from the corner of North Pole Avenue and Arctic Boulevard. I mean Chicago Cub fans hearing jokes about not winning the World Series in 101 years think that's old and played out. Wait...that's another sore subject with me. Maybe it's hearing about our Buffalo Bills and losing four Super Bowl's in a row? A pretty daft feat. Quite possibly could it be hearing about our slow economy or that great new waterfront plan? When I hear all this, I find myself wishing the lake was on fire again in Cleveland so you can get off of our back.

After doing a little soul-searching, I think that I'm a little misguided with my thoughts. What my initial thought to the "So you're from Buffalo?" question should be is "I sure am and I'm proud of it."

What is this talk of proud you ask? Well for starters, I'm proud that we have a great community with great people that will rally around each other when rallying is needed. I'm proud of the character of our neighborhoods. Places like Kenmore (my hood), Elmwood Village, Allentown, North Buffalo and South Buffalo to name a few. I'm proud to say we have some of the best festivals and endless things to do in the summer. I'm proud of our amazing collection of restaurants. If you like to eat, this is the city for you! I love that we have four seasons. If you're into the arts, what an awesome place to be. We have some of the best hospitals in the country right here in our own backyard that people from all over the world come to get treated at for various health concerns. I think it's great that I can talk to anyone and find out they know someone I do. I love that I can be anywhere in 20 minutes. Take that Los Angeles! How about having a Tim Horton's, Dunkin Dounts or Starbuck's seemlingly on every corner in town.

This city has so much to offer if you take the time to look. At SYTEsee.com, we absolutely love being apart of this community. We take pride and will continue to take pride in sharing great local businesses for you to support. One way we are going to give back and show our support for this area is through the SYTEsee.com launch event that we are currently planning. We will be teaming with a local charity for this event to raise money for their cause. Our philosophy, like many people you come across in Buffalo, is to be a giver. This event will be held towards the end of October. Once we work out more details for the event, we will be sure to pass them along.

Buffalo is a way of life. Buffalo is a spirit that we can handle anything that gets thrown our way. So, puff out your chest the next time someone asks about Buffalo. You have tons to be talking proud about.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


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